The Top 5 Reasons to Have a League of Legends Smurf Account

League of Legends players have Smurf accounts nowadays, it's not a secret.
What purpose do these accounts do?
Is it because they like collecting LoL accounts and displaying them to their
acquaintances? Are there any reasons why someone might need multiple
We felt it was high time for someone to answer all of your questions. We're
here to dispel the myths and explain the reasons why anyone would want to have
more than one LoL account. What are the benefits of having a League of Legends
account smurf?
Ideal For Practicing
If you are learning to play a new champion, it can be a bit daunting at
first, especially when you don't understand how to perform. It's not a good
decision to participate in a ranking match with a champion that has never been
played before. It will most likely end in disaster and you'll regret ever trying
these games.
Competing with real, skilled players is the best way to gain knowledge about
a champion. Competing against bots or inexperienced players simply won't be
enough. It could be more enjoyable and enjoyable but when most of the players
are unranked and lack any skill, it's not really a challenge.
For a proper practice, you need to compete in ranked games head-to- the other
players who are similar to your level of skill. If you don't wish to be
de-promoted from your main account, then the best option is to play with a smurf
instead. If you have a smurf account you can play for as long as you'd like
regardless of how terrible you're at. If you get a loss of MMR or a rank, you
don't have to worry about it as it's the practice account.
Great for trying out a New role
As with practicing a new champion, sometimes players wish to test an entirely
new game and utilize their lol smurf
account to practice their new role. With a smurf account instead of their
primary account, they can afford to lose games and play more risky moves. By
doing this it helps them learn their new role quicker as they aren't too scared
to try different tactics and strategies out.
If all goes badly and they lose every game then they could decide that role
is not for them. The good thing is all their losses will be recorded in their
League of Legends smurf account instead of their main account. This allows them
to play the role they are best at without losing any rank. This is a lot faster
and less stressful than using a regular LoL account.
You'd like to troll players
It's true that certain players love making other players have a difficult
time in game. This could take the form of constantly choosing the weakest player
during the game, or using the wrong champion in the Lane. Many to rant and mock
people during games to get them up and get a reaction.
Although we do not condone the use of your League of Legends Smurf account in
such a way however, we can't deny that it does happen. Users would rather risk
the possibility of their smurf account being banned in comparison to their main
account. It could be seen as an account for a smurf that do not care about.
Since they have nothing to lose players can go on a rampage on Rift and create
hilarious YouTube videos without losing their primary league of legends
They Love a Challenge
Sometimes, players are greedy and love a challenge. Why do you need to have
one account on Diamond league when you can have 2 and boast to your friends? By
having multiple accounts in a top level league, it shows that you have the
ability and didn't come to it by being taken.
Multiple accounts in a top tier league is fairly common amongst professional
players. xPeke as well as WildTurtle are well-known for having multiple smurf
accounts in the top challenger tier. This is a fantastic achievement and a great
opportunity to showcase your skills.
Want A Better Rank
If you've been in Bronze 5 then you be aware of how difficult it could be to
get out of the hell of. Certain players prefer to start again immediately,
rather than endure months of grinding out games to get into the Silver
To do this you need to create a fresh League of Legends smurf account that is
level 30 otherwise you'll not be able to play as a ranked player. It's much
easier to perform it buy league accounts instead of having to level up once
more. This offers you a second chance to win a placement match and, thus, the
chance to get rid of eloh!
You can play in a different region
You can transfer your account to another region by making use of the in-store
option. However, this may cost you a lot of money if you keep switching between
regions. You can buy a new smurf account in lieu of moving your bank
You can keep both your main account in the same region, EUW, and your smurf
account in NA. You can now play in both regions and not need to shell out money
to switch accounts. This method is extremely popular among professional
streamers and streaming online. If they want to compete in multiple server
regions frequently, then they can simply purchase a new account to be able to do
this. This not only saves them from having to constantly transfer their account,
but it also means they don't need to wait for weeks to level. This means they
don't have to spend a lot of time playing, as all smurf accounts are levels
It is now clear how smurf accounts are utilized by users. Why not take advantage of your time and purchase one of our shops instead? We have a variety of Smurf accounts for League of Legends in a variety of locations. To get access to our store, simply click the link below.
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